
Reduce Risk & Claims

Ensure the work is done correctly and automatically generate customer-ready documents for proof of service.

  • Enforce standard process
  • Built-in training & examples
  • Capture images & video
  • Track who, what, when & how long


  • Warehouse & Logistics
  • Manufacturing Shipments
  • Equipment & Vehicle Services

“ROO.AI saved us enough on the first claim to pay for itself for the next 5 years”
Warehouse Manager, Speciality Logistics Company

Cut Build Time & Defects

Simplify quality inspections and accelerate defect fix and issues resolution for MTO manufacturing.

  • Visually guided standard inspections
  • Instant visibility to defect comments and visuals
  • Easy fix and verify process on mobile devices
  • Operator and team specific data on shared tablets


  • Vehicles & Transportation
  • Energy Service Equipment
  • Industrial Machinery

“Automatically aggregating all defect data into dashboards allows us to easily see the whole picture and saves a ton of time building reports”
Quality Support Analyst, Emergency Vehicle Manufacturer

Lower Maintenance Costs

Facilitate preventive maintenance and simplify issue detection to reduce unplanned downtime and repair costs.

  • Easy, automated maintenance calendar
  • Assign PM to teams or individuals
  • Send reminders and track completions
  • Mobile work orders capture costs, labor, parts


  • Equipment maintenance providers
  • Manufacturing maintenance managers
  • Equipment field services
“It's quicker and easier to address maintenance issues. Prior to using the app, paper inspections were always difficult to collect”
Fleet Mgr., Construction Company

Ensure Safety & Compliance

Simplify delivery and access to safety information and automate required safety checks and their auditability.

  • Assign and track completion of safety training
  • Alerts for missed equipment inspections
  • Automated history of all safety checks
  • JSA & Over 200 standard Tool Talks


  • Warehouse & Distribution Centers
  • Manufacturing Facilities & Operations
  • In the Field Job Sites

Boost Asset Utilization

Speed up pre and post job equipment inspection, equipment repairs, and deliver instant visibility to equipment status and location.

  • Fast, standardized visual inspections
  • Automated updates on condition and location
  • Instant generation of repair work orders
  • Customized asset report


  • Oil Field Services
  • Rental Equipment 
  • Fleet Management

“We’re seeing inspection times reduced by up to 70% which gets assets on the road faster”
VP Operations, Transportation & Logistics Company

Simplify Onboarding & Upskilling

Boost new worker engagement with training, make on-the-job learning easy and part of your digital work instructions.

  • Include images, video and quizzes
  • In context access to micro-training
  • Personalize training based on experience
  • Track training & skill levels


  • Safety instruction
  • Equipment setup and maintenance
  • Work instruction

“ROO.AI will sure make our jobs easier in the field”
Field Service Tech, OFS Company
The Future of Frontline Work

Easiest to Use

Digital Platform

for Frontline Workers

Upskill your frontline workforce, onboard more quickly and break down application silos to unite work processes across production, quality and maintenance in MTO Manufacuring, Energy and Transportation/Logistics. Show workers exactly what to do, when they need to do it.

ROO.AI Customers Improving Worker Skills & Productivity
to Solve Business Challenges

Reduce Risk & Claims

Cut Build Time & Defects

Lower Maintenance Costs

Ensure Safety & Compliance

Boost Asset Utilization

Simplify Onboarding & Upskilling

Reduce Risk & Claims

Speed up pre and post job equipment inspection, equipment repairs, and deliver instant visibility to equipment status and location.

  • Enforce standard process
  • Built-in training & examples
  • Capture images & video
  • Track who, what, when & how long


  • Warehouse & Logistics
  • Manufacturing Shipments
  • Equipment & Vehicle Services

Cut Build Time & Defects

Simplify quality inspections and accelerate defect fix and issues resolution for MTO manufacturing.

  • Visually guided standard inspections
  • Instant visibility to defect comments and visuals
  • Easy fix and verify process on mobile devices
  • Operator and team specific data on shared tablets


  • Vehicles & Transportation
  • Energy Service Equipment
  • Industrial Machinery

Lower Maintenance Costs

Facilitate preventive maintenance and simplify issue detection to reduce unplanned downtime and repair costs.

  • Easy, automated maintenance calendar
  • Assign PM to teams or individuals
  • Send reminders and track completions
  • Mobile work orders capture costs, labor, parts


  • Equipment maintenance providers
  • Manufacturing maintenance managers
  • Equipment field services

Ensure Safety & Compliance

Simplify delivery and access to safety information and automate required safety checks and their auditability.

  • Assign and track completion of safety training
  • Alerts for missed equipment inspections
  • Automated history of all safety checks
  • JSA & Over 200 standard Tool Talks


  • Warehouse & Distribution Centers
  • Manufacturing Facilities & Operations
  • In the Field Job Sites

Boost Asset Utilization

Speed up pre and post job equipment inspection, equipment repairs, and deliver instant visibility to equipment status and location.

  • Fast, standardized visual inspections
  • Automated updates on condition and location
  • Instant generation of repair work orders
  • Customized asset report


  • Oil Field Services
  • Rental Equipment 
  • Fleet Management

Simplify Onboarding & Upskilling

Boost new worker engagement with training, make on-the-job learning easy and part of your digital work instructions.

  • Include images, video and quizzes
  • In context access to micro-training
  • Personalize training based on experience
  • Track training & skill levels


  • Safety instruction
  • Equipment setup and maintenance
  • Work instruction

Proven with Hundreds of Customers

Learn how ROO.AI is particularly suited to MTO Manufacturing and Energy Field Services. ROO.AI is purpose designed to deliver a frontline experience that is easier, more intuitive and more effective than paper or digital forms.
Learn More
Learn More

Digitalize Frontline Operations
Boost Skills, Save Time, Cut Costs

Visual User Interface

Engage workers with a user experience for work instruction, quality inspections and maintenance that is purpose-designed to be intuitive, easy, simple and mobile-native. Use visuals
and touch controls to save time and increase accuracy.

Digital Workflows

Direct workers and inspectors, regardless of skill level, with workflows that match your exact processes and equipment. Customize setups, work instructions, quality inspections and maintenance procedures to show workers exactly what they need to do.

Guide Workers with
RooBOT Automations

Empower workers to perform at their best with smart RooBOT automations to guide inspections and maintenance, personalize micro-training and assistance, embed safety reminders and ensure adherence to SOPs. ROO.AI delivers information and guidance where, how and when workers need it.

Use the Power of AI to Accelerate
Your Frontline Digitalization

Offering a dynamic platform for the delivery of AI to the frontline workforce, ROO.AI is optimized to utilize cloud-based custom models and APIs like ChatGPT to drive recommendations, predictions and process automation. The ROO.AI mobile-native app supports edge AI for mobile text-to-speech and image recognition, while the digitalization capabilities can quickly transform forms and media into efficient digital workflows.

Align Teams
to Streamline Work

Eliminate the silos of paper forms and systems that slow down your frontline and increase defects. ROO.AI enables team communications, provides easy defect traceability, empowers production and quality teams to quickly collaborate on fixes, and brings visibility to equipment setups and line changes.

Keep Equipment Available,
Maintenance on Track

Easily create maintenance programs for equipment and automate inspections and preventive maintenance through task management, reminders and assignable work orders. An asset management module enables visibility to asset status and maintenance costs, and automates a complete history of all inspections, issues, fixes and work orders to deliver traceability for both equipment and MTO products.

Frontline Data Becomes
Actionable Insights

Uncover and leverage the critical data trapped on paper forms or never even collected. ROO.AI makes it easy to deliver instant visibility with custom reports and dashboards, define and categorize data to drive effective analysis and share operational data with other applications, corporate data warehouses and AI models through our open API.

Want to calculate the
business impact?

Digitalizing your frontline operations can make a big impact on both the top line and bottom line of your business. Studies from McKinsey and others document business impacts such as 15-30% labor productivity increases, 25-30% maintenance cost reductions and 30-50% reduction in equipment downtime. Gain insight with our business impact assessment tool.

Transform Your Workforce
Transform Your Business

Inspection Time


Ramp Up Time


Optimized Experience

Uniquely Frontline optimized, ROO.AI’s visual workflows, tap and go inputs, voice commands and online/offline operation requires zero training.

Assisted Automation

Сutting-edge automation and BOTS, simplify frontline processes with guided instruction, input-driven workflows, and embedded micro-training.


Get a fully customized solution tuned to your business with no need for IT. Spend less time learning new software and more time inspecting assets and resolving issues.